Sep 8, 2022 | International News

The Chief Commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), Sinead Gibney, recently joined with her counterparts from national human rights institutions f across Europe to discuss shared human rights challenges. The event was organised by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

The two-day meeting in Warsaw acted as a forum for National Human Rights Institutions to connect with their counterparts from across the OSCE region to share experiences and best practices and to show solidarity with human rights bodies that are under threat.

The meeting in Warsaw came shortly after the Commission published its report  ‘Trafficking in Human Beings in Ireland’ in June – the IHREC’s first evaluation of Ireland’s actions to implement the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive. combat human trafficking.


Nusha Yonkova from the IHREC’s Anti-Human Trafficking Unit met Finland’s Non-Discrimination Ombudsman Kristina Stenman to discuss collaboration across human trafficking reporting, research and work within the EU network of national rapporteurs.

















Today we will pause and pay our respects to Caitríona Lucas, on the anniversary of her passing while on Coast Guard duty.

Our thoughts are with her family, Coast Guard colleagues and friends.

Go Maridis Beo

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